Address: 512 East Coast Road, Windsor Park, Auckland
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Clinic Hours: 8:00am – 6:00pm (Mon-Fri) 

Clinic Phone: 09 478 9600

Emergencies: Please dial 111

512 East Coast Road, Windsor Park, Auckland
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Our Fees

Enrolled Patients

Adult age 65+$ 65
Adult age 45-64 years$ 70
Adult age 25-44 years$ 70
Adult age 18-24 years$ 55
Adult (all ages) extended consultation additional $30 (at Doctors discretion)$ 30
Child age 14-17$ 35
Child age 6-13$ 25
Child age 0-5$ 20
Child age 0-5 High User Card$ 15

Non Enrolled Patient (Visitor)

Standard Consultation age 18+$ 170
Standard Consultation age 0-17$ 120

ACC Consultation (no CSC)

Adult age 65+$ 65
Adult age 25-64$ 70
Adult age 18-24$ 55
Child age 14-17$ 35
Child age 0-13$ 0

ACC Consultation (with CSC)

Adult age 18+$ 25
Child age 14-17 (CSC dependent)$ 0

Nursing Charges

Nurse Consultation$ 35
HPV Screen$ 35
Dressings / Suture removalFrom $35 (depending on size & complexity)
ECG$ 85
Blood Pressure/Height/Weight$ 35
Pregnancy Test (Urine)$ 35
Injection Fees$ 25 + Vaccination cost if applicable
Ear Syringe (each session)$ 50
Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)From $35 (depending
on size & complexity)
Spirometry$ 85
Depo Provera$ 35
B21 (each injection)$ 35 (reduced to $ 25 / injection if series prescribed)
Desensitisation Injection$ 55

Other Charges

Cervical Smear$ 90
Failure to attend consultations (Under 24hrs)Normal consultation fee
Prescriptions$ 25
Prescriptions faxed direct to Chemist$ 25
URGENT prescriptions (Under 24 hrs)$ 35
URGENT faxed prescriptions (Under 24 hrs)$ 35
Account Fees$ 15
Minor SurgeryFrom $ 380 (per half hour)
IUCD Insertion$ 180 + Materials
Full Medical Men / Women$ 150 + optional ECG
Skin Cancer Screen / Check$ 130
Home VisitFrom $ 280 (per half hour with prior arrangement)
Driving Medical$ 150
Infusion (iron / aclasta)$ 170

Note: East Coast Bays Doctors reserves the rights to alter the above price list without any prior notice. We appreciate payment at time of consultation. 26 February 2024.

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New Enrolments Welcome

Simply fill out our enrolment form by opening the QR code below:

Alternatively, open the following link: 

We look forward to meeting you! Any questions, please phone 09 478 9600.