Address: 512 East Coast Road, Windsor Park, Auckland
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Clinic Hours: 8:00am – 6:00pm (Mon-Fri) 

Clinic Phone: 09 478 9600

Emergencies: Please dial 111

512 East Coast Road, Windsor Park, Auckland
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We are currently accepting new patients.  Please enrol online or by filling out the attached Enrolment form after checking to see if you are eligible by reading page 2 of the enrolment form. When you have completed your form you will need to attach your passport and visa (if not a NZ or Australian passport holder). Please allow 10 days once ID received to process your enrolment. 

Enrolment QR Code:

How to enrol

Please read the enrolment form to see if you meet entitlement and eligibility criteria.  You are eligible to enrol if you are a NZ or Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or hold a work visa for at least 2 years continuously. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone 09 478 9600 and speak to our receptionist. 

Please be advised that the enrolment process can take up to 10 days.   

  1. Please complete your online enrolment form and attach your passport and any relevant visa’s and submit.  
  2. Please note that any patient 16 years and over will need to complete and sign their own form.
  3. Please write your previous NZ medical centre/doctor down to request your notes if you are transferring from another practice.
  4. Please specify which Doctor you wish to enrol with when sending your identification. 

If you would rather print out your forms and bring in with your identification, please click HERE to open our enrolment form. 

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New Enrolments Welcome

Simply fill out our enrolment form by opening the QR code below:

Alternatively, open the following link: 

We look forward to meeting you! Any questions, please phone 09 478 9600.